Blogging Calendar

Blogging Calendar

I’ve come to the decision that I want a more robust blogging calendar. When I started out with this blog I wasn’t sure if I needed a blogging calendar. As the months have passed I feel that it is essential to give my readers a preview of the content coming to imagination salvation.

This new and improved blogging calendar is combining two of my passions into one central theme. Personal development and writing. Now while personal development is more of the main focus for this blog, I also want to post about writing and blogging. Putting a personal development twist on these topics.

My goals for this blog are simple. To help you live a better life. To give you inspiration so that you may achieve anything that your heart desires.

We are all writers here on WordPress. Whether it be blogging, freelance writing, consulting, poetry short stories, or even full fledged novels. Whatever your ambitions are, you are a writer at heart. That is my other goal. To motivate you to keep writing.

Here is the new and improved blogging calendar for Imagination Salvation:

Monday (2 Posts)


Affirmations are the best way to start your week off right. Feeding yourself positive affirmations allows you to build confidence, feel more at peace and most of all, to positively charge your mind for the week ahead. To believe in yourself and in your dreams. Knowing that you can get more out of your life.

Question of the Week

I will post a question that will aid you in getting to know yourself on a deeper level. The more you know about yourself the more you will find strengths, weaknesses, hidden talents and new insights that you may not have known previously. The key is to really think about it and answer honestly. You will only improve from getting to know yourself.

Tuesday (1 Post)


This day will be all about blogging. Tips and tricks, growing your community, networking, developing your voice within your niche and many other aspects. These posts will have a personal development twist on them. Inspiring you to continue your blogging journey. Helping you build an amazing blog that fits your goals.

Wednesday (1 or 2 Posts)


This theme is all about developing your skills as a writer. It is about finding that powerful voice you have within you. Honing in on your skills and delivering your message in the most influential way possible. This is going to be more tailored to those who are authors or are looking to become published authors. Though some of the posts may be geared to a broader audience. The goal is to write with confidence.

Journey of the Author (Bi-weekly)

My ultimate goal is to publish my book. Here I will give you insights into my book, progress being made and things that I’ve learned along the way. I will post journey of the author every other week so that you can see the progress being made.

Thursday (1 Post)

Personal Development

This theme is all about helping you live your best life possible. From Finding Your Purpose to giving you insights to living a happier and more fulfilling life. You deserve to be happy and deserve to live your dreams. This is about living your life to the fullest.

Friday (1 Post)


You only have one true limitation in your life. That limit is your imagination. This theme is all about giving your imagination a spark. Allowing the creative process to manifest and be brought to fruition. This will also be a place for sharing my personal poems and stories. As well as creative ways of writing a story.

Saturday (1 Post)

Success Philosophy

Whatever goals, dreams and ambitions you have for your life, you want to be successful. Success is a mindset and a philosophy. It is something that needs to be developed before it can be brought to fruition. This theme is about helping you build a success mindset.

Sunday (1 Post)


This theme will be a much more personalized standpoint of wisdom. It will be a more one on one type of experience. Fireside Chats will continue as well as other wise words to give your more wisdom for your life.

I look forward to this new blogging schedule of mine. Giving you my amazing readers something of value every single day. Thank you for your continuous support. You’re awesome!

A Guide to an Amazing Morning Routine (Free Guide)

A Guide to an Amazing Morning Routine Free Resource

It’s the beginning of a new week and there are so many things to do. The Monday blues so often fills our minds with anxiety and stress. We rush about in our mornings. Pressing the snooze button one too many times only to run frantically to get to work on time. There has got to be a better way.

The first waking moments of our day are the most important. It sets the tone for how our day will go. If you rush and don’t take the time to set the tone for your day, your day is going to control you. You are at the mercy of whatever happens. If you take the first moments of your day and practice a morning routine, even if it’s only for 20 minutes. You are the one taking control of how your day will play out.

So why is it important to have a morning routine?

Having a morning routine is about building a constructive habit for the beginning of your day. Charging yourself in mind, body, and spirit so that you can tackle anything that life throws at you. It is about creating a positive attitude for each day.

I practice a morning routine everyday because when I didn’t I felt as if the day was controlling me. I wanted to control how my day played out and wanted to set the tone the moment I woke up. It has had a drastic change in my life. It has boosted my energy, positively conditioned my mind and has allowed me to be highly productive on a continual basis.

I want to help you feel the same way I do each and every morning. That is why I’m giving you this free guide on how to have an amazing morning routine. I consider it a small token of gratitude to you my readers. My hope is that it may be of tremendous value to you in one way or another.

In this guide you will learn:

  • Why it’s important to have a morning routine
  • 11 activities to try for your morning
  • 7 positive emotions to be expressed to have the best day possible
  • Beginner, intermediate, and advanced morning routines to aid you in finding a routine that is right for your schedule and experience level

It’s time that you take control of your day. Feel excited to get out of bed each morning. Be more productive for your morning and throughout the course of your day. And most of all, move closer to your dreams so that you may live a happier and more fulfilling life.

I hope that you enjoy my gift to you

Go For It

Over the past 2 years I have been just floating along, hoping that some magical idea would sweep me off of my feet. That the fire inside would reignite and my motivation levels would soar once more. But the lesson of life is that if you are casual about life you become a casualty.

Sitting back idly and waiting for something to come along is just pure insanity. It wasn’t until about a year ago that I realized that I needed to just go for it. To start searching and see what happens. A determined curiosity to keep trying new things with the hope that something will stick.

I’m still in that journey but I’ve realized that no matter where a path may take me it’s better than waiting for inspiration or motivation to come to me. If I don’t like something then it’s time for a change. Pivot and move on. The road is never a straight path to living a life that is meaningful.

So my advice to you is to go for it. Whatever peaks your curiosity. Whether it be taking a course, going back to school, learning a new skill, go for it. Too often we talk ourselves out of doing something new for the sake of comfort. Even when our current state feels uncomfortable and unfulfilling. As the clock keeps ticking away to start living a better life.

No matter what go for it because you only have one life to live. Time is going to keep moving no matter what so it’s up to you to decide how you spend it. And remember if something doesn’t work out or if the path you choose isn’t right for you then you can always move in a different direction. The key is to keep moving.

For me the itch to write again and blog again is simply too overpowering. To me it doesn’t matter if a single soul doesn’t read this post. It gives me a sense of calm writing and articulating my thoughts. I love it. Who knows? Maybe this is my path. Let’s see where it takes me.

What path are you currently on? What paths have you taken in the past? What have you learned from them?


Sometimes life has ways of letting you know it’s time for a change. From my last post my current path in my journey was UX design. After getting about halfway through the course I’ve realized that UX isn’t for me. My brain just doesn’t think that way and the passion for that profession just isn’t there.

Time to pivot which is a crucial part of life to keep the mind blissfully entertained while trying to find what the heart truly desires. Now I am learning Project management and let’s see where this journey will lead. Only time will tell.

But one thing has been giving me an itch that just won’t go away… It’s writing. To be more specific it’s blogging. I believe it’s time to once again sharpen and hone my skills as a writer. And maybe shake off some rust since it’s been a minute since I haven’t written often recently.

Curiosity is always welcome when trying to find purpose in life. It is the fruit that is either sour or sweet. There is no wrong answer because no matter what you have learned something while in a curious pursuit.

For me personally I’m stubborn. I always want to see things out till the end otherwise I feel like a quitter. That’s how my recent journey has been over the past year. Trying to complete a course or master a skill long after the passion is gone. I think it’s time to be a little more forgiving and be more curious with what I want to do for the rest of my life.

This isn’t about giving up as much as it is letting go. Looking back I wish I would’ve let go and got back those precious days and weeks sooner. But life is one big learning experience. And life is too short to be doing anything short of something you absolutely love doing.

Even if you haven’t found it yet it is crucial to be curious and keep searching. Keep trying new things. Taking new classes. Watching new videos. Because you never know where the path will take you.

Full Circle

Wow. I can’t believe that it has been over 2 years since I’ve posted on this blog… Something inside of me just clicked and remembered that I even still had a blog. Almost as if an attractive force came to me and said “It’s time to give this a look again.” Life has a funny way of bringing things back full circle.

So what’s been going on the past 2 years? A lot besides the world temporarily coming to a standstill because of the pandemic. My business was a causality of that. But there is always sunshine even in the darkest of storms because I met the love of my life and we are getting married in October.

I found a job as a janitor in a metal refinery which is nothing but a paycheck to me. The job gives me no satisfaction or fulfillment in my life. That has lit a fire in me to find something that isn’t just a job. This led me to the book “what color is your parachute” which is all about figuring out yourself and finding out what career is right for you. A little soul searching to begin a new journey down a winding road.

To begin the journey it was coding. Learn mostly about web development and the necessary languages to build a website. At first it was easy, learning HTML and CSS was a breeze for me. Creating a few static websites in the process. Then I hit the wall of JavaScript, a language that confused the hell out of me. I tried to push through, finding as many online resources as possible. But in the end it was to no avail. The excitement faded and it became more like a chore to me no matter what direction I tried to pivot.

Next up was IT Support. I enrolled in Google’s IT Support certificate on Coursera to determine if maybe IT support was the right career for me. Burning through the first few courses I found a lot of the information to be dull and repetitive. By the last course I was just finishing the certificate for a sense of personal pride.

Jump to the most present endeavor of learning UX design. I enrolled in Google’s UX design Certificate while I was still learning the IT support certificate. I felt like this one might be the winner. The first 4 courses kept my interest and maybe just maybe I might be onto something. Now in the present day I’ve learned that I don’t have a designers mindset and maybe UX isn’t right for me. The jury is still out on this one.

Before I continue I don’t want to dissuade anyone from these career paths. In fact I praise the people who are in these fields.

So what does this all have to do with coming full circle? It’s the fact that I missed writing. Typing this post right now feels effortless and that blogging had brought me joy when I did it on a regular basis. While it may or may not be a viable career path for me. It’s a fork in the road through a winding journey.

Oh and I didn’t forget what this blog was all about.

The moral of this is to keep trying new things even if they may not work out in the long run. Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. The key is to never stop being curious about anything that peaks your interest. Who knows where that journey will take you? You never will know unless you try.

I would love to hear about your journeys and what you have learned from them.

I’m Back

I’m going to apologize in advance for my absence from blogging for so long. Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls your way and messing up any sort of routine that you have set in place. Anyway I’m going to be getting back to posting content. Probably not at the same frequency as I was before. I’m going to shoot for two times a week and build up from there. Hopefully life won’t sidetrack me again.

The main theme will remain the same and my goals for this blog won’t deviate. I also hit the 100 follower mark while being away from blogging. I just want to thank each and every one of you for supporting this blog in one way or another. I am eternally grateful.

I also want to share with you an idea that I’ve been bouncing around in my head for some time now. I would like to branch off and cover some new areas for blogging. The first being a blog about personal finance and how to make every penny count for your financial goals. This was an idea that I was working on before. I’ve learned so much over the years about how to make the most of your dollar. I would love to share that information with you.

The other blogging idea that I have is just a hobby that I’ve been passionate about for as long as I can remember. That hobby is gaming. Any time I need to unwind I tend to boot up a system and just relax. Over the course of my life I have played numerous games. It is something that I would like to share my ideas about.

For both of these ideas they have not much to do with the central theme of this blog. I would have them be separate blogs about each given topic. One for personal finance tips and tricks and the other to be all about gaming. While I haven’t thought about the names for each of these blogs I would love some honest feedback from you my readers on your opinions.

I will give updates on the progress of these other two blogs once they are more concrete and are closer to launching.

This blog will be up and will continue to have new content posted on a regular basis. With personal development, blogging and writing being the central themes. Also for updates on the progress of the new book that I’ve been working on. (More on that in a future post.)

Hopefully all of you have had a great start to your new year and I look forward to interacting with you again on a more regular basis. I have a lot of great blogs to catch up on!

Journey of the Author #5: I’m Torn

So it’s been a while since I have done one of these posts. The unfortunate part of this is that I really have nothing new to give to you. These past few weeks have been hectic and I really haven’t had the time to either write my book or even keep to my blogging schedule on a consistent basis. Life has a funny way of throwing a curve ball your way and messing up any set schedule. But I’m not writing this to discuss that. I want to give you an update on what’s going on with my book.

As you may or may not know part of the reason for me creating this blog is to hone in on my writing skills to help me with writing my book. The last time I gave an update I shared an excerpt from my work in progress. I hate to admit it but it’s been over a month since I’ve worked on Rock Bottom: Rise from the ashes. Rejuvenate your life. After I finished the fourth chapter I felt like this work wasn’t going to convey I message I want it to.

The reason that this post is titled “I’m torn” is because I thought of another idea for a book. If you have ever had the creative spark in your life you know the feeling. When an idea comes out of thin air and compels you to work on it. That is just what happened. I had an idea for an inspirational fiction story and wrote like hell to create characters and a plot for it.

Now most of this writing occurred in a notebook, brainstorming all the ideas that I had in my head. It can be truly amazing in the moment of writing where everything just flows and ideas come at a seemingly endless pace. I haven’t gotten to writing a rough draft for this story and that is why I am torn. I don’t know whether to continue with my first book or to start with this new idea.

Something inside of me is telling me to write this new work. It is an urge of a story that has to be told. I also know that if I continue to ponder over this for too much longer then neither story will be written. Time is something that cannot be wasted.

Hopefully in the next week I will be back on schedule with the blog and will be posting on a more regular basis. I also hope to start writing this book soon as well.

Finding Your Purpose #8: The Value of Dreams

So in the pursuit of finding your purpose, how have you been doing in this endeavor? Do you know exactly what you want? Are you actively pursuing your dreams? The dreams that you have play a major part in finding your purpose in life.

Dreams are the things that we desire most in our lives. They are a clue of how to live a happy and fulfilling life. Dreams are something that should never be ignored. They are what give us hope for a brighter future. So when it comes to finding our purpose, most times we need to look no further than our dreams.

Those dreams that you have for your life should hold tremendous value in your heart. They should be your main pursuit in the journey for your life. Dreams are what make life breathtaking. So let’s take a few moments to really think about our dreams.

What are your dreams? Why are they special to you? What are you doing currently to realize them? Remember that there are no wrong answers. They are your dreams and they are most important to you.

So what do your dreams have to do with finding your purpose? It’s simple. It is another perspective for you to view to find your purpose in life. Something that is close to your heart. So if you haven’t already, begin to chase your dreams. Let them lead you to something beautiful.

So go in the direction of your dreams. Let them be your guide in the search for finding your purpose. It just might lead you to living a life of bliss.

Scribing A Masterpiece

As writers we all want to create our own masterpiece. Something that we are proud of when it is completed. Words that flow harmoniously that form into pages that spark something in the reader’s soul. Something that is so beautiful in it’s own way that whomever reads that work is changed forever. A message that echoes throughout the ages.

What a breathtaking scene that creates for a writer. To have blood, sweat and tears shed for a single work. Putting every fiber of their being into words. Leaving part of their soul for the readers to gaze upon. Giving a work everything with the sole hope that it may have an impact upon others.

Writing is taking parts of life that derive from the deepest chambers of the soul. Practically indescribable emotions, thoughts and energies, with the painstaking process of putting it into words. A battle that has raged since humans began recording history. A noble cause that immortalizes authors for generations to know.

There is only one way and there will be only one way to create a masterpiece. It is to give it your all. To spill your heart and your guts into words and unto the page. To elevate your mind to a station in which it has never been before. To listen to your soul and allow it to be your guide. To make sure that a fire burns inside so bright that stopping your work would drive you to madness. Only then may a masterpiece may be scribed into humanity.

Don’t Count Followers

The goal for almost every bloggers is to build an amazing community. Having other people interacting with your posts and having them continuously returning to your blog. This typically isn’t the case when you first start out blogging. Followers slowly build with each post and accumulate over time.

The key is in those early days of blogging is to not count followers. A task that is easier said than done. Followers are not the only metric of running a successful blog. Sure you might have 100 or 200 followers. But are those followers constantly interacting with your blog? Not every follower is going to be active with every post you have. But you should have a few loyal followers that are always up to date on your newest posts.

These are the followers that you should pay attention to. Because they have fallen in love with your blog. If you don’t currently have any of these types of followers, you will get them. All good things take time.

Whether you have 10 followers or 1,000, don’t count followers. You will only be disappointed with the numbers, no matter how high they might be. Instead focus on your writing and the essence of the content you post. Writing blog posts that others will fall in love with. That should be your priority when blogging. If you continue to produce great content then the followers will eventually come.

Affirmation: I am Persistent

I am persistent. I will never give up. I know that anything worthwhile in life does not come immediately or without hard work. I must stay patient and believe in myself and in my dreams. Most importantly I must try again and again when I meet with defeat. Because I know that eventually I will succeed. I know that the future is in my hands and that is why I must never give up. I deserve my best life possible. I will not settle for anything less.

Being persistent keeps our dreams alive because of the never give up mentality. Life can be a struggle and sometimes we go through defeats along the journey. It is important that we have strong reasons behind our dreams. So that when we are met with defeat we don’t fold under disappointment. Hold those reasons for your dreams closely in your mind. It will build your persistence and almost guarantee a successful outcome in your endeavor.